Med anledning av att Folkhälsomyndigheten har höjt risken för smittspridning av covid-19 inom Sverige till mycket hög, kommer större delen av vår programverksamhet att ställas in eller skjutas upp under den närmsta tiden, medan vi följer utvecklingen. På det sättet hoppas vi kunna bidra till att minska smittspridningen av covid-19. Säkerheten och välmåendet hos vår publik, inbjudna aktörer och våra anställda är högsta prioritet för oss. Under tiden fortsätter självklart Stockholms Kvinnohistoriskas arbete i de digitala rummen. Välkomna till och @kvinnohistoriska i sociala meder.
Ramesch Daha and Helene Larsson Pousette come together to discuss the writing of history, focusing on the role and visibility of women. When history has been written, certain information has been considered irrelevant and the construction of the past has excluded many stories from the official narrative.
In the case of Maria and Sigmund Klein – presented in the exhibition by Ramesch Daha at Index Foundation – we can read his words but not hers; we must read between the lines to imagine and interpret the words of Maria. Sigmund was writing letters from inside three concentration camps in Nazi Germany and Maria was answering them. The letters from Sigmund were kept by his family, while the ones from Maria were destroyed in the camps. How to write a complete history when some parts have been systematically deleted? How to rewrite it to bring characters back?
Ramesch Daha
Helene Larsson Pousette
Ramesch Daha – the artist of the exhibition at Index – left Iran and another difficult political situation behind when she was 8 years old, to connect with the part of her family with roots in Vienna. Ramesch Daha’s work has been presented internationally in publications and solo and group exhibitions.
Helene Larsson Pousette, co-founder and Head of Collections, Research and Development at Stockholm Museum of Women’s History, external adviser to the Norwegian Ministry of Culture, advisor to Creative Mentorship Serbia and co-founder of History Labs.
The exhibition at Index, titled I am healthy, I cannot write this letter myself gives us the opportunity to talk about history, political positions and to present many strong women who have kept social structures alive with their infatigable work and resistance.
This talk is organized as a collaboration between Index Foundation and Stockholms Kvinnohistoriska (Stockholm Museum of Women’s History). Index Foundation has presented a series of solo exhibitions focusing on women artists, as a way to address and rebalance the historical gap that has led to the construction of a dominant male narrative within contemporary art history. Stockholms Kvinnohistoriska works as a museum dedicated to women’s history, offering programs, practice and experiences outside of the traditional institutional forms.