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City Walk: Eva-Lisas monument (In English)

  • Stadsvandringen sker på Södermalm i Stockholm med start i Björns Trädgård. 45 Götgatan Stockholm, Stockholms län, 116 21 Sweden (se karta)

City walk

Eva-Lisa's Monument

Welcome to a city walk that highlights the lesbian activist and trans pioneer Eva Lisa-Bengtson (1931–2018). Based on a personal portrait, a picture is drawn of Stockholm's LGBTQ history, a vital community and a political and personal struggle at the same time.

We’re following her traces at several places in Södermalm that played important roles in Eva-Lisa’s life. Lesbisk front at Hallandsgatan, Kvinnohuset (The Women’s house) at Blekingegatan, Jerry’s damklubb (Jerry’s women’s club) at Folkungagatan, the Dutch embassy at Götgatan and Transvestia’s place at Östgötagatan are some of the spots that are visited during the walk.


The city tour is created and led by the artist Sam Hultin and is part of the project Eva-Lisa's Monument, which highlights Eva-Lisa's pioneering work.

Date and place

Friday 2 august 17.30. The city walk takes place on Södermalm in Stockholm, starting in Björn's Trädgård (next to Medborgarplatsen subway station) and takes about 1,5 hours.


The ticket cost 100, 150 or 200 SEK. You decide how much you want to pay. Limited spots available. Prebooking at Tickster is required.


We will not use stairs, so it’s fine to participate with, for example, a wheelchair or permobile. Contact us at info@kvinnohistoriska.se for more information.

Additional Information

Please note that our city tours depend on the weather and may be cancelled at short notice if there is sudden heavy rain. If this happens, we will email you and try to find a new date for the tour.

Kvinnohistoriskas vandringar

I Kvinnohistoriskas vandringar får du följa en guide som lyfter berättelser om kvinnor som utspelat sig runt om i staden. Vi erbjuder både digitala och fysiska vandringar.

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